AtariAge NES HSC Scoreboard
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Player List

First Game: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (4/17/2007)
Last Game: Wizards & Warriors (1/24/2016)
Total Games: 33
Total Rounds: 36
Avg Rank per Game: 8.7
# of 1st Place Scores 0
# of Top 5 Scores 15

Game High Score Posted On Rank
3-D World Runner 176,750 1/5/2015 4
American Gladiators 310 12/30/2012 7
Arkanoid 25,610 1/6/2016 14
Baseball Stars II 7 2/12/2014 2
Blade Buster (5 Minute Mode) 688,100 2/3/2015 6
Bubble Bobble 474,580 7/19/2010 5
Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle 127,800 5/9/2015 2
Castelvania 77,330 1/25/2010 22
Clu Clu Land 29,590 11/8/2013 4
Contra 76,200 1/15/2012 15
Donkey Kong (Game A) 74,900 4/24/2007 14
Donkey Kong Jr. (Game A) 36,300 6/29/2014 20
Double Dragon 31,730 10/16/2011 18
Double Dribble 16 12/20/2013 5
Elevator Action 22,900 9/17/2015 16
Excitebike (Game A) 333.46 3/4/2014 4
Ghosts 'n Goblins 64,000 6/26/2007 4
Gradius 192,000 1/18/2010 9
Gun.Smoke 229,910 11/22/2010 4
Kid Niki: Radical Ninja 62,000 8/21/2008 9
NES Open Tournament Golf 75 7/19/2011 2
Paperboy 7,100 8/2/2012 17
Pinball (Game A) 217,020 1/28/2014 2
R.C. Pro-Am 106,859 2/2/2010 6
Recca: Summer Carnival '92 439,856 9/2/2014 4
Recca: Summer Carnival '92 (Score Attack) 307,194 9/2/2014 2
Spelunker 40,640 8/6/2014 5
Super C 93,630 5/3/2012 12
Super Mario Bros. 754,250 1/6/2010 9
Tecmo Bowl 60 11/1/2011 3
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 52,100 4/17/2007 8
Tetris 88,602 7/6/2015 19
Wizards & Warriors 27,600 1/24/2016 15